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We need you to make our dream your reality!


All people are different - and we recognise that everyone has a unique way to contribute towards a social responsibility project. Associação Amigos dos Animais (AdA) needs your help, and offer a number of different ways for you to contribute or donate to the welfare and rehabilitation of rescued animals.

Ways that you can help!

  • Donations Towards our Future Projects

  • Lumpsum Financial Donations for Settlement of Specific Supplier Costs – i.e. Veterinary Bills

  • Monthly, Quarterly or Annual Financial Donations to Support Operational Expenses

  • NGO Collaboration for Education and Advocacy of Legislation

  • Sponsoring;

    • Staff’s Salary

    • Veterinary Costs

    • Animal Foods for Cats & Dogs

    • Cleaning Supplies

    • Deworming & Vaccinations

    • Construction & Property Maintenance Services

    • Social Media and Marketing Campaigns, or Events

    • Internships for youths,  to learn how to Care-for and Protect Animals


Thanks for submitting!

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